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Vote who you think is the most evil.


25 Elizabeth Bathory

Elizabeth Bathory was a countess who lived in the Carpathian Mountains.  She was one of the inspirations of Dracula and her nickname was Countess Dracula.  She was possibly the most prolific serial killer in history.  She believed that blood on her skin made her fresher and younger.  She was responsible for the killing of 650 girls; many were tortured for weeks and were often naked when they were tortured. They were forced to eat their own flesh.  She sometimes drank the blood of the girls and stabbed them with needles.  Some had their face, hands and private parts burned and bit their flesh and private parts.  Many of them starved to death, others were burned or froze to death naked.  She might have eaten some of her servants.  It is possible that she bathed in blood.  She was never put on trial, but was forced to stay in one room for the rest of her life.  She died 4 years later.

24 Talat Pasha

He was the Grand Vizier of the Sultan in the Ottoman empire from 1917 to 1918.  In 1915, Talat declared an order to wipe out the Armenian race.  People were whipped, tortured, robbed, raped and killed.  All of the Armenians were forced into concentration camps.  People were overloaded with supplies and forced to trudge miles with no food and they were killed if they couldn’t continue.  People were naked when they marched.  The whole male population of Angora was exterminated.  Many were forced to rape family members.  People were killed by bayonets, clubs, axes, hammers, spades, scythes, and saws.  Many had their private parts and sexual organs cut off.  Tens of thousands were burned, drowned, poisoned, dismembered, crucified, boiled and beaten to death.  Out of the population of 2.5 million Armenians, 1 to 1.5 million people were killed.  Talat was assonated in 1921 by a Armenian assassination squad.

23 Josef Mengele

He was a physician in the concentration camp Auschwitz and the doctor known as the “Angel of Death.”  He was in charge of selecting Jews to be sent to concentration camps or to be killed.  He practiced many experiments on people.  One of the most common experiments was on twins.  He would find the similarities and differences in the genetics of twins, as well as seeing if the humane body could be manipulated.  There were about 3,000 twins, only 200 survived.  The twins were arrange by sex and age.  During the experiment, he would pour chemicals into the eyes of the twins to see if it would change their colors into sewing them together in hope to create conjoined twins.  He sometimes tried to change the sex of the twins.  He sometimes forced parents to kill their children.  He tortured children to see how long they could survive.  He often beat prisoners to death personally.  He sent over 400,000 people to their deaths in the gas chambers.  Mengele escaped with his family to South America and lived there the rest of his life.  It is possible that he used 88 twins in his medical experiments there.  He died from a stroke in 1985 while swimming in the Brazilian ocean.

22 Reinhard Heydrich

Reinhard Heydrich was the chief of the Reich Main Security Office, the second most powerful person in the SS and the mastermind of the Final solution.  He was one of the highest ranked of all the Nazis and was responsible for many war crimes.  His actions caused the deaths of millions of people.  He was responsible for the mass murder of Soviet officials and Russian Jews during Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, which killed over a million people.  He forced 60,000 Jew to leave Germany and go into Poland, where they were sent to Ghettos.  As he chaired the Wannsee Conference, he presented a plan of transportation and deportation of 11 million Jews from every country in Europe to be worked to death or killed.  Heydrich thought  of the pretext to invade Poland, which killed over 80,000 people and  started World War II.  There was an assassination attempt on him in 1942.  He survived the attempt to kill him, but died 9 days later.  In response to his death, Nazis killed nearly everyone in the village of Lidice.

21 Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden was an Islamic terrorist leader that lead the terrorist organization called the Al-Qaeda.  He is responsible for the 9-11 attack, which injured more than 6,000 and killed about 3,000.  He is also responsible for bombing attacks on the United States Embassies in Dares Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya.  212 people were killed and 4,000 were injured.  He sponsored the Luxor massacre of 17 November, which killed almost 70 people.  Osama has caused other Al-Qaeda bombings throughout the world.  The 2004 Madrid train bombings, which killed 191 people and injured 2,050.  In October 2002 in Bali, 3 bombs exploded, killing 202 and injuring 209.  The 2004 SuperFerry bombing killed 119 people.  Thousands of Iraqis have died from Al-Qaeda bombings.  In 2007 alone, bombs exploded in Qahtaniya and Jazeera, Iraq, killing 796 and injuring 1,562 people.  Osama encouraged other Terrorist groups to attack the United States.  He caused the War on Terror, which killed 127,170 to 1.2 million people.  Osama was killed on May 2, 2011.

20 Saddam Hussein

Saddam was dictator of Iraq from 1979 to 2003.  During that time, about 2 million people died as a result of his actions.  He authorized many attacks on people like the chemical attack on Kurdish village of Halabja, which killed 5,000 people.  Saddam’s 1987-1988 campaign of terror against the Kurds killed 50,000 to 100,000.  An Amnesty International report said, “victims of torture in Iraq are subjected to a wide range of forms of torture, including the gouging out of eyes, severe beatings, and electric shocks… some victims have died as a result and many have been left with permanent physical and psychological damage.”  Saddam also had approximately 40 of his own relatives murdered.  He executed over 400,000 Iraqis.  Many of them were tortured to death and filmed so he could watch them at his house.  In 2006, Saddam was hanged after being found guilty for being convinced of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi Special Tribunal.

19 Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Himmler was the head of the SS, the second most powerful Nazi and the architect of the Final Solution.  He, more than anyone, encouraged and facilitated Adolf Hitler’s decision to implement the Final Solution to the Jewish question, as well as other programs of ethnic cleansing that destroyed millions of lives during World War II.  He was responsible for 6 to 7 million deaths of Poles, Russians, communists, and other groups whom the Nazis deemed unworthy to live including people with physical and mental disabilities.  Himmler once said “The decision, therefore, lies here in the East; here must the Russian enemy, this people numbering two hundred million Russians, be killed on the battle field and person by person, and made to bleed to death”.  His house contained furniture and books made from the bones and skins of his Jewish victims.  Himmler committed suicide in 1945 by eating poison.

18 Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Eichmann was the architect of the Holocaust.  He was in charge of rounding up Jews into and forcing them into ghettos and concentration camps.  He was responsible for day-to day organization of the Final Solution.  He organized the registration, cremation and transport of Europe’s Jews.  From May until July, 1944 Eichmann organized the deportation and murder of more than 400,000 Hungarian Jews.  He was responsible for 5 to 6 million Jewish deaths. He would leap into his grave laughing because the feeling that he had 5 million Jews he killed filled his heart with gladness and joy.  He once said that he would even kill his father if he was ordered to do so.  He escaped and made his way to Argentina and lived under the name Ricardo Klement for 15 years.  He was captured in May 1960, Israeli Security captured him and took him to trial.  He was tried for 15 charges and hanged.

17 Maximilien Robespierre

He was the leader of the French Revolution.  Before he became a tyrant, he wanted the people of France to have freedom and rights but when he gained power his personality changed and he became obsessed with guillotining people.  He began to create a reign of terror, a 10-month period in which mass executions were carried out.  He also began to see everyone including friends as enemies.  People were guillotined for not supporting the French Revolution, hoarding, desertion, rebellion, and other things he saw as crimes.  He guillotined entire families of aristocrats and ordinary people.  He even guillotined his closest friends.  Most were killed without trials.  As many as 40,000 were either executed or died in prison including King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette.  He was also responsible for hundreds of thousands that died in battles during the Revolution.  Under his orders, his men attacked Vendee, killing well over 100,000 men, women and children.  He believed that killing people was better than forgiving people.  Ultimately, in 1794, Robespierre was guillotined without trial.

16 Kim Il Sung

He was dictator of North Korea from 1948 to 1972.  Kim Il Sung started the Korean War, which killed 3 million people.  After the war, he brainwashed the people of North Korea into idolizing him, even though he made the country a lot worse than it was before.  He killed all of his officers and rivals.  In addition, he exiled or executed 90% of his generals that fought in the war.  More than 200,000 political prisoners were forced into concentration camps.  People were forced into concentration camps for something as little as dropping a picture of Kim Sung accidentally on the ground.  If someone committed a crime, the person’s children and the children’s children would also be killed or sentenced to life imprisonment.  Prisoners were starved, tortured or worked to death.  Prisoners were sometimes forced to kneel in a box motionless for months until he or she dies.  Hundreds of thousands were killed by firing squads and in concentration camps.  Of the population of 22 million Koreans, 900,000 to 3.5 million have died in a famine.   Kim Il Sung died in 1994 of a heart attack, which was brought on by a row with his son Kim Jong Il, who has proven that he is worse than his father.

15 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

He was the religious leader of Iran from 1979 to 1989.  He was also the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which killed 3,000 to 60,000 people.   The Shia Islamic Law had a lot of harsh rules for the normal people.  Men and women had strict dress codes, citizens lost equal rights and met with very harsh punishments, were brutalized, tortured and killed.  People were imprisoned and tortured for listening to music.  People were lashed 100 times for kissing in public. People were tortured and killed if they did not believe in Allah.  People were shot, hanged, blinded, gassed, stabbed in the chest, stoned to death and burned alive.  People had their hands cut off for stealing.  Women had their faces slashed or burnt by acid.  People were killed by machine guns, knives, clubs, cutters, and acid.  In the 1988 Iranian Massacres, Khomeini ordered that every prisoner that did not repent anti-regime activities should be killed.  About 30,000 people were killed in 5 months while thousands of others were killed for other reasons including children that were hanged from cranes.  His followers held 52 Americans captive for 444 days, but there were others there for 6 years.  They were blindfolded most of the time.  They might have suffered a fate worse than death.  He spread his ways across the Middle East.  Saddam Hussein feared the spread of Khomeini’s militant brand of Shiism so he attacked Iran, which started the Iran-Iraq War, which caused the deaths of 1 to 2 million people.  During the war, Khomeini sent young boys to fight and refused to make peace with Iraq even though there was at least one moment when Saddam offered peace for Iran.  Because Khomeini refused to settle peace, Iran’s economy was ruined and 500,000 to 1 million Iranians were killed.  His hatred of America and Western society inspired and paved the way for terrorist groups including Al-Qaeda.  He paved the way for the Islamic Holy War, which has killed more than 2 million people.  Khomeini died from cancer in 1989.

14 Emperor Hirohito

He was emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989.  In that time he and his army committing many war crimes and  killed countless numbers of Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos and Indochinese.  He committed the war crime called The Rape of Nanking which killed 300,000.  He ordered every Chinese war prisoner to be killed.  About 200,000 women were sexually assaulted.  Husbands were sometimes forced to rape their wives and daughters.  A total of 10 million Chinese were forced into slavery, many were tortured and some even eaten.  Many people were shot, beheaded, stabbed, burned, boiled, roasted, buried alive, and impaled.  People were sometimes killed by gas, aid, military dogs and being hanged by their tongues on iron hooks.  People were often used for bayonet practice.  Between 4 and 10 million people in Java were forced to work by Japanese military, the majority of which died.  People sometimes had their bodies sliced in half by a sword.  Women were often stabbed by a bayonet or a long stick of bamboo through private parts.  The Japanese disemboweled, decapitated, hacked, nailed, crucified and dismembered men.  Men and women sometimes had their private parts sliced open.  Thousands were frozen to death.  4 million people in Indonesia died from famine and 2 million in Vietnam.  Thousands were killed by chemical attacks.  About 400,000 were killed by diseases.  About 580,000 were killed after being human experiments.  The Sook Ching massacre killed 50,000 to 90,000 Chinese.  100,000 civilians in the Philippines died from the Manila massacre.  His men said that it was easy to kill because Hirohito told them that their lives were valueless compared to himself.  He told his men to kill, burn, and loot all Chinese.  Over 20 million Chinese, 10 million Asians in other countries, and millions of people in World War II were killed by the Japanese.  He died in 1989 from cancer.

13 Nero

Nero was Rome’s 5th emperor from AD 54 to AD 68.  He brought the Roman Empire to ruin.  He burned entire cities.  He murdered thousands of people including his aunt, stepsister, ex-wife, mother, wife and adoptive brother.  He systematically murdered every member in his family.  Some were killed in searing hot baths.  He poisoned, beheaded, stabbed, burned, boiled, crucified and impaled people.  He often raped women and cut off the veins and private parts of both men and women.  He is said to have fiddled while Rome was burning.  The great fire killed many of Rome’s citizens and left hundreds of thousands destitute.  Though Nero probably started the fire, he blamed it on the Christians.  Christians were starved to death, burned, torn by dogs, fed to lions, crucified, used as torches and nailed to crosses.  He was so bad that many of the Christians thought he was the Antichrist.  He even tortured and killed the apostle Paul and the disciple Peter.  Paul was beheaded and Peter was crucified upside down.  Nero committed suicide when he realized he was losing the rebellion and his life was in danger.

12 Caligula

He was Rome’s 3rd emperor from AD 37 to AD 41.  He was wild, extravagant, with a penchant for sexual adventures.  In the first 3 months in his reign of terror, over 160,000 animals were sacrificed in his honor.  He later got a brain fever that made him mentally ill.  He then believed he was a god.  Under Caligula, the law became an instrument of torture.  He believed prisoners should feel a painful death.  He began to brutally murder for fun.  He would kill his opponents slowly and painfully over hours or days.  He decapitated and strangled children.  People were beaten with heavy chains.  He forced families to attend their children’s execution.  Many people had their tongues cut off.  He fed prisoners to a lions, panthers and bears and often killed gladiators.  One gladiator alone was beaten up for 2 days full days.  He sometimes ordered people to be killed by elephants.  His cruelty caused people to commit suicide.  He demanded sex with a lot of women including his 3 sisters.  He would force husbands to give up their wives.  He exiled his sisters and had his brother in law put to death.  He caused many to die of starvation.  Sawing people was one of his favorite things to do, which filleted the spine and spinal cord from crotch down to the chest.  He liked to chew up the testicles of victims.  He killed some of his most important friends and his father-in-law.  One time Caligula said “I wish Rome had but one neck, so that I could cut off all their heads with one blow!”  In AD 41, Caligula was killed by Casius Chaerea, a man whom Caligula had mocked at court for his effeminacy.

11 Attila the Hun

Attila ruled the Huns from 434 to 453.  He was the leader of the Hunnic Empire which stretched from the Ural River to Germany and from the Baltic Sea to the Danube River.  He was a bloodthirsty, cruel and ruthless barbarian that was a lover of battle. He wanted to destroy the Roman Empire and everyone in his way.  If you were a citizen in Rome and begged for mercy, he would kill you.  He was as great a menace to the Teutonic tribes people as he was to the Romans.  He was so destructive that people believed he was a punishment from Heaven.  His nickname was Attila the Scourge of God.  Attila and the other Huns thought that other people’s lives were meaningless.  He would torture and destroy his enemies, his own people and entire population of cities.  He rampaged Roman cities and may have killed up to hundreds of thousands.  People were sometimes torn limb by limb.  One time Attila found Saint Ursula, the perpetual Virgin, and wanted to marry her.  She refused which made Attila angry and had her killed along with 11,000 of her companions.  It is said that he might have drunk a women’s blood.  He eat 2 of his sons and killed his brother.  Attila coughed up blood and died in 453.

10 Genghis Khan

He was Khan of the Mongolian Empire from 1206 to 1227.  In that time he conquered most of China and all the land through the Caspian Sea.  He was ruthless, vengeful, cruel, and bloodthirsty.  He and his army destroyed countless numbers of cities, solders, civilians and children.  People were killed  by having molten metal and silver poured into their eyes and ears. In one massacre alone, 700,000 people were killed. At another place, the poor were decapitated and the rich were tortured to find out where their treasure was.  Women were sometimes raped in front of their families.  Hundreds of thousands had their lives ruined.  It is said that if his army of men had no water they would cut a horse’s vein and drink its blood.  He would use people as human shields.  Tens of thousands became slaves.  He would order you to be killed immediately if you were an enemy, if you betrayed him or if you were disloyal to him.  Genghis and his army killed  20 to 60 million people (or 10% to 30% of the known world’s population).  He killed three-fourths of the population of the Iranian Plateau which was 10 to 15 million.  He also killed his brother at age 13 just because his brother had stolen a fish from him.  Genghis Khan once said “The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his wives and daughters.” Genghis Khan died of natural causes in 1227.

9 Leopold II of Belgium

He was king of Belgium from 1865 to 1909.  He ruled the Congo Free State, which was a private project, from 1885 to 1908.  The Congo Free State was 76 times larger than Belgium.  He is considered one of the greatest liars of all time because he fooled the whole world that he was helping the Congo and the world believed him.  Instead he turned the Congo into a country ruled by force labor.  He was free to rule the Congo Free State as a personal domain.  Leopold ruled about 20 million Congolese.  Under his administration, the Congo Free State was subject to a terror regime.  The Congo Free State also became one of the most infamous international scandals of the turn of the century.  His men tortured, maimed, and slaughtered millions of Congolese.  Congolese were killed if they did not bring enough rubber.  Hundreds of thousands of people had their hands, legs, feet, arms, heads, ears, and noses cut off.  Many villages were burned and the Natives forced to flee into the jungle.  Leopold’s men raped, flogged and eat the natives. They slaughtered hundreds of thousands of children.  More than 500,000 died from various diseases.  A few million died of starvation.  Leopold killed around 10 million Congolese (or 50% of the Congo’s population).  Before Leopold acquired The Congo Free State, most African countries were free countries, but within 30 years after Leopold acquired the Congo Free State, all but 2 African countries were taken by European countries.  He did all of this just to get more money.  Leopold died in 1909.

8 Tomas de Torquemada

Torquemada was the Grand Inquisitor of Spain from 1483 to 1498.  He started the Spanish Inquisition, which was established on November 1, 1478 and disbanded in July 15, 1834.  The Spanish Inquisition was an ecclesiastical tribunal run by the Spanish monarchy and established to root out heretics and other individuals who threatened the status of Roman Catholic Church in Spain.  Torquemada’s spies turned friends against friends and they made sons and daughters testify against their parents.  Torquemada without lack of evidence would order Jews to be tortured or killed because of his discrimination towards them.  Countless of people were tortured, whipped, subjected to horrific physical punishments, and forced to surrender all of their property.  Children sometimes died from starvation.  People were often naked when they were tortured.  Torquemada favored many forms of torture like foot-roasting and suffocation.  People were sometimes burned alive, hanged, and grilled.  Some ways of torture often went through sexual organs.  One way  to torture people was the garrucha, which pulled a prisoner’s arms and legs from their sockets.  Another way of torturing Jews was the toca, a water torture, which was when water was forced down the victim’s throat.  Another method was the porto which used tight cords to stop blood from flowing.  Another method was the turtle which was when victims were crushed with heavy weights.  Another method was when a victim would be pushed into a garroting chair, which had a sharp point in the neck region.  Another method was the rack which stretched a person’s body a foot or more.  Then an inquisitor would rip off the victim’s nipples, tongue, ears, nose, and genitals. Some people were skinned from their head to their waist.  2,000 to 10,000 Jews suffered death by being burned on stakes and more than 9,000 were punished by other methods.  Many Jews died from starvation.  By one account, he killed over 30,000 people.  Torquemada’s hatred of heretics influenced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to expel every Jew or Muslim that had not embraced Christianity which was 200,000 to 300,000.  Most of them had ancestors that have lived in Spain for centuries.  It is said that Torquemada himself had Jewish blood in him.  Torquemada died of old age in 1498.

7 Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong was dictator of China from 1943 to 1976.  Mao’s plan was to make China a superpower country.  Mao also said he would turn China into a powerful country that could match the United States and the Soviet Union.   In the process however, he created the greatest famine and genocide in history.  Under Mao’s rule China endured a series of economic disasters and political terrorism.  Millions of Chinese died by execution, starvation and committing suicide.  Tens of millions were sent to labor camps.  5 Million were executed.  Mao turned neighbors against neighbors and sons and daughters against their teachers and parents.  Mao used fear to root out every last hint of dissent.  A criticism uttered in private could lead to public humiliation, torture or death.  The famine killed about 30 to 45 million people.  Millions died from disease.  Another 700,000 committed suicide out of fear of Mao.  Mao lead 2 Great Leap Forwards which was a plan to use China’s vast population to rapidly transform the country from an rural economy into a modern communist society.  Both combined killed 40 to 50 million people.   Millions of children were also killed.  If children stole food, they would have their fingers chopped off.  Mao once lead a revolution that everyone in China was supposed to accept, but if you opposed the revolution, you would either be imprisoned for many years, tortured or executed.  People were expected to work till they dropped.  People were beaten up and tortured if they could not do their work and if they were late going to work.  People were also beaten up if they said something that made Mao or his men angry.  Mao’s brutal men had methods of torture like whipping, burning people with incense or with flame of a kerosene lamp and nailing a person’s palms to a table and then to insert bamboo splints under fingernails.  Mao killed 70 million people.  Mao died in 1976 after suffering from a nervous system disease.

6 Ivan the Terrible

Ivan was Tsar of Russia from 1533 to 1584.  Ivan was cruel, brutal and merciless even as a kid.  When he was young, he had had habits of taking creatures like dogs, cats, bears, and other creatures to the top of tall buildings and then throwing them to the ground.  Ivan killed people when he was a teenager.  Ivan found them fun and amusing.  When Ivan became Tsar of Russia, he became paranoid and started to see enemies everywhere.  Ivan forced thousands to move from their lands and made them homeless.  Ivan became obsessed with killing and torturing anyone he saw as enemies but most were innocent people.   Ivan destroyed hundreds of villages, towns and cities.  In the Novgorod Massacre, 60,000 were tortured to death.  Ivan had his own personal torture chamber.  Ivan tortured and destroyed entire families.  Hundreds of parents were forced to see their children tortured and killed.  Ivan ordered hundreds of people to be eaten by bears and wolves.  He personally killed and tortured people with his long and hard staff.  If Ivan ordered someone to be killed, he would often want to watch the execution.  Some his executions were as long as 15 hours.  He enjoyed seeing people’s blood and suffering from being tortured.  Ivan ordered people to be beheaded, strangled, hanged, blinded, burned, stabbed, boiled, disemboweled, buried alive, impaled and fried.  Ivan would often remove people’s ribs with red hot pinchers.  Peasant girls were often tortured, whipped, raped and used for target practice.  Religious leaders were tortured and killed if they begged Ivan to stop his killings.  He blinded his architect and boiled his treasurer.  Ivan killed one of his wives a day after their marriage.  He even killed his favorite son in a rage.  Ivan died while he was playing chess with one of his friends in 1584.  Most likely he was poisoned.

5 Idi Amin

Amin was dictator of Uganda from 1971 to 1979.  Amin charmed and promised the world that he would bring peace and democracy to the people of his country.  Instead he turned Uganda into a poverty-stricken land patrolled by death squads.  Amin was possibly the most brutal and merciless dictator of all time.  His rule was characterized by human rights abuses, ethnic persecution, political repression, massacres and the expulsion of 80,000 Asians from Uganda.  Amin pitted his people and executed hundreds of thousands of his people.  Amin was probably the most sadistic dictator in the 20th century.  He would show executions of people on television.  Amin tortured and killed his country’s soldiers, government officials, teachers, artists, doctors, journalists, engineers, politicians, police officers, photographers, lawyers, business people, ordinary citizens, ministers and children.  Amin’s men tortured and killed people with sledge hammers while Amin kept the pictures for fun and amusement.  Amin often had his victims buried alive.  Amin would often give the heads of his enemies to crocodiles.  Hundreds of thousands of dead bodies washed up to the shores of Lake Victoria.  Amin killed 4,000 people by throwing them into crocodile infested rivers.  About 50,000 people died from disease, most were children.  He would cut the flesh of people and force them to eat it until they died.  Amin ate human flesh and he said proudly that he was a cannibal.  He also drank human blood.  Amin mutilated one of his wives and had her limbs sewn upside down.  Amin killed and tortured 300,000 to 500,000 Ugandans.  Amin was forced in exile in Saudi Arabia for the rest of his life.  Amin died almost 25 years later in 2003.  In that time Amin lived a very peaceful life.

4 Pol Pot

Pol Pot was Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1979.  His plan was to destroy the civilization of Cambodia and turn it into a new age.  He turned Cambodia into a killing field.  Pol Pot is the only man in history that ordered an official genocide against his whole country and he killed the greatest percentage in the amount of time he was in power.  He declared that the Buddhist religion, money, and personal possessions would all be banned.  His communist government forced mass evacuations of cities.  Millions of Cambodians were displaced, tortured and killed.  People were separated from friends and families.  People died from effects of slave labor, malnutrition, poor medical care, starvation and execution.  Hundreds of thousands were clubbed to death and buried alive.  Thousands were killed from disease and torture.  Many were hanged.  Millions of people including the elderly, pregnant women, and children would stand in water up to their necks in cold and rainy seasons, working on canals, with legs and feet swelling up and bleeding.  If you stopped working because of illness, you would not be feed or you would be killed.  If a worker made a mistake, he or she would be flogged to death or shot.  You would be expected to work until you dropped dead.  Many people had no rights to eat.  If people were found eating dead humans, they would be buried alive.  Pol Pot wanted teenagers to become solders with a love of killing.  If Cambodian people married people of Vietnam, the husband and wife would be killed.  People that spoke and looked like Vietnamese were also killed.  Pol Pot often ordered people to kill and fight Vietnamese.  He took pictures of the people he executed and recorded them in detail.  Prisoners were forced to drink humane urine.  He ordered babies to be torn limb by limb.  People were beaten to death by blunt instruments like hammers, spades and axe handles.  People were also killed by sharpened bamboo sticks.  Some of his men killed people by bleeding them to death.  He liked to keep the skulls of dead people.  To Pol Pot, his people’s lives were not just cheap, but of no value at all.  He killed 1 to 3 million Cambodians, 25 to 33 percent of the country.  Pol Pot died in April in 1998 of natural causes.

3 Adolf Hitler

Hitler was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to his death in 1945, becoming Germany’s Fuhrer.  Before he gained power, he wanted to be an artist, but he failed.  Then he decided that he wanted to be a member of the German army, he became solder in World War I.  When the German army surrendered, Hitler escaped and returned to Germany.  He believed that Germany lost because they had surrendered, and it made him bitter.  He then turned his attention to the Jews.  He believed that the Jews were the cause Germany’s problems and he also believed that the Jews did not count as human beings.  His plans were to eliminate every Jew in Europe and to gain world control.  He once said “by the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.”  Hitler would kill any Jew, enemy, or anyone that he thought was a problem.  He used wounded people that were in hospitals for test experiments for ways of killing, like carbon dioxide gas.  These experiments killed over 300,000 people.  Every Jew in Germany was sent to concentration camps.  Jews in other countries were also sent to concentration camps.  All were expected to work until they died or they were killed.  Millions of Jews had to watch friends and members of their families die.  Jews died from gas chambers, crematories, firing squads, lethal injections, force labor, starvation, poison, exposure, disease, execution, death marches and medical experiments.  More than 90 percent of Poland’s Jews were killed.  Millions of children died because of him.  Hitler betrayed friends and allies in the war.  Hitler had a breading program.  If the child fell short of Nazi-defined perfection, the child would be killed.  Hitler himself was responsible for the deaths of more than 11  million people (5,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses, 15,000 homosexuals, 100,000 Freemasons, 100,000 of the mentally ill, 500,000 Gypsies, 750,000 Slavs, 3 million non-Jewish Poles, 3 million Russians and 6 million Jews) but his actions caused the deaths of over 50 million people.  On 1945, Hitler committed suicide by gunshot and cyanide poisoning.

2 Joseph Stalin

Stalin was dictator of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1953.  When he was young he was a bank robber, an agitator, and an assassin.  After a long road to get into power, he became a paranoid, ruthless, unforgiving, brutal and vengeful dictator.  He created a 30 year reign of violence, terror, destruction and murdering.  Anyone who spied on him, displeased him, or voted against him was doomed to die.  His first plan was to create the Soviet Union into an industrial superpower country.  To do that would cause the deaths of countless numbers of people.  People were sent to slave labors and were forced to work to death.  Huge industrial schemes became a living hell for hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions.  He signed the death warrants for tens of thousands of people.  Stalin only liked people who fourfold his orders, but if you were a popular figure, an intelligent, and independent person, Stalin would order you to be tortured, imprisoned for many years or life, or shot you.  He would kill family members of people who loved him and family members of people who horned him as a god.  Stalin once kissed a small girl in public, she had become famous and thought Stalin cared for her and her family, but he later killed her parents.  People were sometimes killed with an ice pick.  About 10 million people died in a famine.  Stalin once said “One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is simply a statistic.”  He killed the wives of some of his friends.  He exiled his daughter’s boyfriend, Aleksie Kapler.  Stalin’s wife was driven into despair by his treatment of her, which caused her to kill herself.  His son died in a Nazi concentration camp after Stalin refused to trade for his life.  He would even kill people who were defending their country against the Nazis.  People were in prison were force to fight in World War II, but if they returned they would be sent back to prison.  Hundreds of thousands of people from other countries were tortured, raped, or killed.  People were often killed by mustard gas bombs.  More than 1.5 million German women were raped from the Soviet Union.  Recent evidence shows that Stalin had his own Final Solution in which hundreds of thousands of Jews were exiled or killed.  Stalin wanted the Soviet Union to become a country strong enough to rival the U.S., but if they were stronger than the U.S., he would want the 2 countries to fight a war.  Stalin killed 20 to 60 million people.  He died in 1953 from a stroke.

1 Vlad Dracula

Vlad was prince of Wallachia a total of 3 times, in the years 1448, 1456 to 1462, and 1476.  He is best known for inspiring the Dracula ledgend, the cruel methods he used to torture and kill people and how much he enjoyed killing people.  His last name, Dracula, means little devil.  The most common method he used to kill people was impalement.  Vlad had a horse attached to each of the victim’s legs and a sharpened stake was gradually forced into the body.  The end of the stake was usually oiled and care was taken that the stake was not be to sharp.  Normally the stake was inserted into the body through the buttocks and was often forced through the body until it emerged from the mouth.  However, there were many times where victims were impaled through other bodily orifices or through the abdomen or chest.  He was so found of doing this that he is now known as Vlad the Impaler.  The height of the stake ranked the victim.  Vlad also loved to impale animals.  It was possibly of the most gruesome and painful way of dying in history.  Victims would endure this for hours or days.  Everyone in the city Amlas, including every children, went through this, which was up to 20,000 people. Vlad did not want the stake to be too sharp because the victim would die to soon and it would not be as much fun to watch.  He would impale children and babies through their mother’s chests.  Impalement was his favorite way of killing people but it was not his only method.  Vlad ordered people to be poisoned, blinded, strangled, hanged, decapitated, stabbed, disemboweled, skinned, exposed to extreme elements and animals, hacked, dismembered, burned, boiled, scalped, roasted, nailed in the head, buried alive, etc.  He would like to cut off people’s noses, ears, hands, feet, limbs, and sexual organs.  He often cut of peoples private parts (especially in the case of women) and would keep them.  People were sometimes worked to death.  He also smashed the heads of people into hard walls.  He liked to eat and drink around bodies of dead and naked people that had stakes through them.  He destroyed many of his villages on his way into battles.  He roasted children and forced their parents to eat them.  Vlad hated people who were sick, weak, poor, beggars or vagrants.  He invited all of the poor and sick of Wallacha to a fake party.  He asked them if they wished to be be anything other than poor people.  When they all said yes, they were all burned immediately.  He murdered his wife had had her sexual organs cut off.  There were rumors that Vlad loved to drink blood.  Vlad killed over 100,000 people.  If that is true he killed 20 percent of Wallacha’s population.  Nearly all of those people went through horrible ways of killing that would take a long time.  Vlad was decapitated in 1476.


  1. Nice work, you must be a good researcher!

  2. I agree, nice work except for the inaccuracies about adolf hitler’s “final solution”…that belief is mistakenly attributed to him, but, truth be told, he wasnt involved… during the wansee conference the “solution” was devised by heydrich and eichmann…hitler neither devised nor orchestrated the final solution, he only supported the idea and left all the details to heydrich, himmler, eichmann and a few others

  3. Very nice, but I feel like some people deserve a different place. What about Himmler, who was pretty much as bad as Hitler? Or Nero, who was heavily diabolized? I mean, he did order slaughters and suffered from madness in his late life, but Herod may have been worse. I agree with most people name on the list, though.

  4. My partner and I stumbled over here coming from a various internet web page and believed I should verify issues out. I like what I see so i am just following you. Look forward to going over your web page repeatedly.

  5. Pretty accurate but earlier in history, the Summarians as an army and a nation, killed entire countries/populations. Also, the list could be vastly improved using a good editor to correct spelling errors and grammatical errors

  6. i did enjoy reading and its an interesting concept. with a little editing could be great.

  7. I hope all of these heartless and sick bastard in hell burning for eternalty!

  8. i wonder some people could so cruel to others for their selfish interest. Lord have mercy on the poor souls

    • You see, it’s religion that creates these people, so they have the best spot in a heaven I don’t believe in, goddamn christian

        • Luke
        • Posted October 7, 2016 at 7:46 am
        • Permalink

        Except most of these characters were either atheists, humanist or believed themselves to be god. Very few were actually religious. So your statment is meaningless. People have the greatest evil within themselves. They only just occasionally use religion to justify it.

        • Ron Crawley
        • Posted April 4, 2017 at 9:42 pm
        • Permalink

        These aren’t “christians,” they are evidently under the power and control of the devil. He uses these creeps to send people to hell. God the Father made a way to escape hell thru His Son Jesus Christ. Romans 10:9-10.

  9. I also heard Vlad could not sleep unless he heard screaming so he had a torture chamber built below his room so he could hear the screams of people. That man is one sick cookie.

  10. jo
    b well done

  11. Excellent rating, but you forgot to describe two other figures in history: Tamerlane,(only in Isfahan –during the persian campaing–he order to kill between 100,000 to 200,000 people, using 42,000 victim´s heads to make 28 tower outside the city as a psychological weapon). The other figure is the most recent is Planned Parenthood in the abortion bussiness.

    • What’s wrong about abortion? Abortion is taking away THE CHANCE of life, not LIFE ITSELF.
      fucking asshole

        • Andy
        • Posted October 27, 2016 at 10:45 am
        • Permalink

        Youre a fucking idiot.

        • Chinka Groserousa
        • Posted November 21, 2016 at 7:31 am
        • Permalink

        dude, are you crazy…..There not even saying abortion is bad its just it has to be the mothers choice and to get stabbed is sick

  12. @Jose lopez, never knew about Tamerlane. Going to search and read about this violent man. He surely deserves to be on the list with that bad acts.

    • Actually a baby still has a brain and heart when its a single cell and they take it out when its already responding to the stimulus so it is indeed a life

  13. All I can say is that, I’m sure glad that little old me was blessed to be born in this era. It may not be all love and peace, but there are less and more isolated tyrants to deal with. Nero should have been 5th on the list. #MyOpinion

  14. i think emporer hirorhito should be in the top 5.l

  15. Wow! I find it incredible that the common thread for each of these evil people is that they were leaders of a group of people. Abuse of power would be an understatement.

  16. Hitler should have been number one.

  17. I enjoyed the list, but it really needs a good editing. The main problems I had though were that you seemed to pick the worst possible account of the historical figure and put that in your blurb about them. Example, Ivan the Terrible – highly unlikely that the death toll for the Novgorod Massacre was 60 000 because of the disease and famine prior to the event.
    And with Nero – when you’re recounting events from ancient history, you need to look at the reliability of the sources. Half of them thought he was great, and half thought he was a tyrant

  18. I don’t think you shouldve ranked them. They are all equally horrible people.

  19. you’ve done a excellent job. I appreciate you.;;))

  20. This is the best list of evil people out there and I only found it yesterday! Learned a lot in the last few days. I personally think Emperor Hirohito should be in the top 10, the things he did to the Chinese is really unspeakable and still to this day China hate Japan. I wouldn’t be surprised if China will wipe Japan of the map in the next 100 years. They will never let what he did go.
    I agree with Stalin being above Hitler, if not first. I think everyone thinks that Hitler is the most evil man in history mainly because he is widely known worldwide and is tought in great details in GCSE level at school. Pol Pot shocked me the most, I had no idea about him and the things he did. I can’t believe that prime ministers can do this to their own people. You are there to rule your country and look after your people not fucking murder, rape and torture them. It’s shocking. The same with Germany in ww2, You can easily blame Hitler but a lot of these generals in command new what war is like and they must have thought to them selves ‘what we are doing is wrong’ but no they kept doing what they did. That’s why I blame Germany. Hitler was the ideologist, and Germany did what he wanted them to regardless of how wrong it was.
    Osama Bin laden shouldn’t be on this list, otherwise you could add plenty more pathetic terrorists.
    I read something not to long ago and went all the lines of ‘This world is not right..” It’s not the world, it’s the people in it” and that is so true. There isn’t a lot what scares me, I like horror but it doesn’t really scare me. But what does is reading about cruel people like these, serial killers, unsolved murders and people like josef fritzl who can lock their own daughter in the basement and rape her for 24 years. Why would anyone want to live in a world when there is people like these? We are mad over power, money and religion. Don’t get me wrong I’m not one to say what is right and what is wrong, but surely what these cruel people did isn’t right? The pain some of these helpless and innocent people had to go through must have been unbearable.
    I know this was a pointless rant lol but just wanted to say something. 10/10 for the article.

  21. I recently discovered an online article written by someone who has done a great deal of research into the Reign of Terror and the French Revoloution. Apparently, there’s a good chance that it was not Maximilien Robespierre, but other members of the Commitee of Public Safety who were the architects of the Terror-when they eventually saw the error of thier ways, they blamed it on Robespierre, overthrew him and had him murdered the same way they had all those other victims of the Terror murdered.

    It may seem like poetic justice that Robespierre went to the gulliontine without a trial, but only because those who wrote the history books about him made it seem that way-and according to what I read, those who wrote the history books about him framed him for the mass murders they themselves committed. There’s a possibility, contary to what it says about him here, that his personality didn’t change all that much after all. Type in online “Anamesa Robespierre.” Te info about Robespierre’s possible innocence is there.

  22. I think Hitler was a bad person but not the third worst person in the world…he did alot of good thing to. For example he passed the first animal right laws, he discouraged smokers, was a vegetarian, provided every one n Germany with jobs, designed the first highways, and countless other good deeds. I do think he earns a spot on this list, just certainly not third.

    • You are a dip shit! He almost destroyed an entire race demolished countless documents of history such as paintings and yet this is all okay because he gave a fuck about dogs yup that seems sane

    • Wow you’re not making any sense Hilter was a TERRIBLE man he tricked MILLIONS of people into abducting people because they were Jewish and they went through EXTREME torture, he NEEDS to be at number 3!!

  23. The sick fucking bastards…number 1 just sounds clinically mentally ill.

    • Well I think they are all mentally Ill. But these people are definitly sick.

  24. my prayer is that,no such evil leaders will ever be in power in our generation or in future.

  25. nice post man.

  26. The best list of evil people that I have seen so far. But no offence, there are a few spelling mistakes.

  27. I love the list, but O think Hernan Cortez could have cracked it.

  28. very instructive website. I learned a lot of stuff. Excellent job xoxo

  29. I stumbled on his and this is very interesting.

  30. Great article. Deserves more publicity. Vlad Dracul was defeated by the Muslim Caliphate Ottoman Empire.

    • Alhamdulilah i was thinking the same thing 😛

  31. What a hoffifying world. If you peel back the fine clothes and lies, we are no better than dogs.

  32. Very cruel and rude guys… I wish that they are burning in hell !!

    • Sorry – they are RUDE ?!

  33. i think they are all horrible people bcuz non of them were good i wouldn’t have lov to be rule by any of them.

  34. Honestly, I don’t think Osama belongs on this list. He was an asshole that helped kill a lot of people, don’t get me wrong, but I think you’re giving him to much credit. The Emperor of Japan during WW2 probably deserves to be on this list more than Osama. Several Saudi royals would be a better fit. We’re just mad that he attacked us; relative to others on this list he’s “not that bad.”

  35. Ok pretty good article, but Dracula doesnt mean lil devil. Dracul means dragon and the a at the end means son of. So Dracula means Son of the dragon. He received this title because his father was a founding member of the order of dragons. I have also never in all my research heard any mention of him cutting of peoples genitals. He was also admired by the people he ruled,but feared by all his enemies.

  36. Christopher Columbus and Francisco Pizzaro would have made my top 10.

  37. Thank you for a good work done. However, two most evil names are omitted: George Walker Bush (11) and Toni Blair. They lied to the world about a so-called proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and murdered innocent people. They supported and closed their eyes over evil men like the Mobutu and opened their eyes of good people who did not support their evil intentions. No weapon of mass destruction was ever found in Iraq, yet they murdered Saddam. Now, they failed to bring back peace to the regions they attacked. They should be made to face the World Court in the Hague. Pius

    • Very true.

      • YEES!!!D!TTE har jeg stor bruk for Randi.For Danmark er en av mine reisemÃ¥l denne sommeren. Skal i sommerhuuset til en dansk kirurg, og det ligger ved Roskilde fjord. Typen selv har kjøpt seg hus i Tyrkia, sÃ¥ han skal dit, og vi lÃ¥ner hans danske bolig, smart og billig :-))SÃ¥ KLART, mottar flere innlegg derfra med stor takk.Klem fra regntunge trøndelag.

  38. I think mao killed the most people.

  39. This list is great was a really interesting read! just needs updating to add Tony Blair to it.

  40. nice work,buh did u know who’s behind the greatest brutalities and murders for a series of millenia to-date? well watch-out the roman hierarchy,vatican and jesuit council with their horrible knights,cults and global intelligence agencies.the worst species are currently at work!

  41. Good read, but have to say im shocked to se Vlad on number 1. Seams you have more research to do. First off his name means Son of the dragon, siince his father was Dracul – meaning dragon. Also, in romania he is viewed as the biggest hero. A trait the others on the list lack. While he had some weird fetishes, he did most of what he did simply to free his people from the ottoman empire who wanted them enslaved and to reject their *false* god. While the the forrest of impailment was sick, it was a strategic move that ensured victory. Placing vlad on first place would make the leaders of the crusades “or even someone as Dante Alighieri be placed on the list. They did not fight for their peoples freedom, but the elimination of all other religions. Just my view. I think Vlad is really misunderstood.

    • Lmbo Vlad is greatly misunderstood is he? One wonders what substances his own people must have been on to regard him as a hero. That strategic impaling of peasants as you call it would make Joe Stalin and the crusaders look like the boy scouts out doing a bob a job, the callousness of picking out thousands of innocents and impaling them on stakes a pretty excruciating death must be unequalled in history of evil deeds added to what he did to the ethnic saxons of course

  42. nice work…keep it up

  43. Vary nice work you are the most best historian. i want to say “THANK YOU”!!!

  44. but I agree, Stalin is worse than Hitler. but Himmler should also be worse than Hitler.

  45. Nice thz bro.

    • Ya estamos hartos de Foxconn y sus inmorales practicas con los recursos humanos. Es hora de llevar a juicio inrtenacional a sus directivos, una banda de explotadores descomunales, pero claro, como esta en territorio chino, el propio gobierno ambienta dichas practicas y la cosa empeora. Solucion momentanea, no proveerse mas de la misma hasta que no se ponga el asunto en orden y tampoco comprarles nada que salga de sus fabricas. Con esta postura tendran que terminar todos los atropellos que estan cometiendo.

  46. I love the list and the amount of detail giving in each description of each person but I think Caligula should have been #5 not Idi Amin. Caligula was WAY worst than Idi, did more inhumane things AND caused more deaths.

  47. Nice work..these people must definately route in hell…!!

  48. You are wrong.
    Tennou”Hirohito”is not evil man.(Tennou is not The emperor)
    He didnt have the power to control the armies.
    I think the US is the main factor that “大東亜戦争” was broken out.

  49. wicked&evil people, I believe they are in hell fire now. I dont like d way some of them died, they should av passed through dsame things they other passed through.

  50. Do you think that there are no such and even more evil people in this contemporary period? Until JESUS CHRIST THE LORD OF lords comes again, evils and the doers will not stop. Remember that the world is full of evil.

    • If Jesus Christ falls from the sky and is the son of your puny god, does that mean he’s Superman? If that’s so, what’s his kryptonite? I want to be prepared just incase Christianity got a single thing right (for once)

  51. Hmmmm. So Kahn killed a third of the world’s population and is only third?

  52. Good heavens!!i ve seen tins but not physically like horrible tins wayyy horrible but de idea of eating someone else or deir private parts,Lord it’s bad.

  53. Omg this is horrible why would anyone ever do tht

  54. Let these men also be proof that karma is nonexistent. Notice how many of these men got away with mass murder, lived long lives and died peacefully? This disgust me! Alas, a very good presentation here!

  55. I would have thought that Oliver Cromwell would have made the list

    • I would have thought so too.


  57. An excellent article, keep up with the good work, im gonna follow u

  58. Was this written by a 12 yr old? Very amateurish.

  59. How come Oliver Cromwell isn’t on this list along with another famous tyrant Henry the eighth. This just isn’t on England isn’t being properly represented here.

  60. Good website only one minor thing I would point out, that is you might want to edit the date of Torquemadas death. It was 1498 you accidently put in 1478, which doesn’t tally with all the other dates on the account you gave of his time as head of the inquisition.

  61. Too bad

  62. that vlad dude thooooooooooooooooo

  63. This list and the ratings therein are highly subjective. For those from ancient history or even the middle ages, some of their actions may be exaggerated. Additionally, even though all these people were clear megalomaniacs, they were also spawned by their environment and the times in which they lived. For example, Germany was rife with anti-semitism after WW1. Additionally, while Hitler was very clearly in favor of eliminating the Jews, it wasn’t hard for him to find people around him that were willing to actually carry it out. In fact, when it came to the actual execution of their “Final Solution”, you could argue that Heydrich, Himmler, and Eichmann were more responsible for the details and operations of it than Hitler.
    On the other hand, if even parts if what they say about Ivan and Vlad are true, these guys were basically serial killers with the power to act completely unchecked.
    “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    • Hello all you sick fucks who are not shocked at all about people being boiled, cut in half, impaled up the arse, burned alive, having their genitals severed, having babies limbs torn off one by one??!!!

      I mean you sick cunts are debating who was left out of the list, the order they appear in and the fine points of historical inaccuracies of what these evil sick cunts actually did ??!! Like it’s a fucking book review ??!

      No expression of shock or horror as to the horrific nature of these genocides ?!!

  64. how could you say such a thing? the guy did a good research, please encourage people to do better, stop crying down on people’s effort.

  65. I think Elizabeth was the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  66. nero

  67. It is very disturbing, the stuff these people did. I hope that no one else ever makes this list, and that good people step up to take away power from those that are evil, and put them to justice. It is a very sad thing, the way humans can behave, it makes you wonder what in hell went wrong with them. 😦

  68. I just lost faith in humanity. FML

  69. What a horrible world we are living in…I think human being is the most heartless creation in this world

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